ASSURE Multimedia Lesson Plan:
Cereals and Pies for Breakfast
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Lesson Length: 40 minutes
Analyze Learners
lesson is geared towards 3rd graders between the ages of 8-9 years
old in a general education classroom setting. The class consists of 25
students total with an even amount of males and females. The students will
most likely vary in ethnicity with Guam being a melting pot of Pacific
Islanders, Asians, etc. Because of this, there will be few students with
English as their second language. Also, there will be at least one student
with ADHD.
students in the primary school have a much shorter attention span compared to
those in secondary. With this, using colorful, eye-catching images during the
lesson will help keep them on track. This is most especially helpful for the
one student with ADHD.
also have an adequate reading level to spot the terms “salt,” “fat,” and “sugar”
on the nutrition label and read the data following after.
State Objectives
are the GDOE Standards under Health Education that the lesson plan focuses on…
5: Decision Making
the ability to use decision making skills to enhance health.
3.5.1. Indicate
routine health-related situations.
Identify a healthy choice when making a decision
By the
end of the lesson, students will be able to…
~ construct
pie graphs for a cereal brand based on salt, fat, and sugar levels using Google
identify which cereal brand out of the three is the healthiest by examining pie
graphs based on salt, fat, and sugar levels for each brand
Select Methods, Media, , and Materials
will collaborate as a class in this lesson with the teacher giving them a
walkthrough using a presentation
~ The
teacher will use Emaze to present an overview on the nutrition label, about
pie graphs, and displaying the actual nutrition label of the selected three
cereal brands on a projected screen for the students to analyze. The class
will be broken up into three groups. Each group will focus on one brand and
construct a pie graph using Google Docs. The group will share their data on a
class document for comparison.
~ The
class is aiming to be paper-free, so there will only be the usage of the
computer and internet connection along with Emaze and Google Docs.
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
the materials
~ The
teacher will display and demonstrate how to identify the nutrition label. The
teacher will also showcase how a pie graph works. The nutrition label for
each brand will be displayed on the projected screen. All will be taught
using Emaze.
the materials
~ Each
student will be designated to a computer with internet access.
the environment
Students will seat within the same table as their group based on the cereal
brand they are focusing on.
the learners
~ The
students will have Gmail accounts. Students will have an adequate reading
level that allows them to spot the terms “fat,” “sugar,” and “salt.”
the learning experiences
~ After
being introduced to the nutrition label and the structure of a pie graph,
students will apply this knowledge into their group work.
Require Learner Participation
lesson should take up to about 40 minutes or less since extending the
duration any further will only make them bound to lose interest and get distracted.
The first 10 minutes will include the teacher giving an overview of the
nutrition label and works of the pie graph using the Emaze presentation. The
next 20 minutes will include the students collaborating in their groups. Each
student in the group will be assigned to either analyzing the fat, sugar, or
salt of their selected brand. The group will collect their data by inputting
it in Google Docs and constructing a pie graph. Then, each group will copy
and paste their pie graph on a main class document and share their findings,
which will take around 10 minutes total.
Evaluate & Revise
Rubric for Student